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Chop & Chip Co

Chop & Chip Co

4.9 233 reviews

Chop and Chip Co is a specialist BBQ catering company, founded in 2013 with a street food heritage. Fuelled by their desire to offer restaurant quality dishes on-the-go, they set out to create a...

Unique Party Experience
Waltham Forest

Unique Party Experience

4.9 186 reviews

We are a family-run business in Essex that serves a variety of hot and cold desserts, including Belgian waffles, hot doughnuts, mini-dutch pancakes, churros, crepes, cookie dough, ice cream, and more.

Sublime Catering Limited
East Sussex

Sublime Catering Limited

4.7 147 reviews

All our food is freshly prepared on site or at our Sussex unit. All our chefs are passionate about providing and excellent product and service to our clients.

Fine Street Co

Fine Street Co

4.8 139 reviews

From Michelin Star to muddy field, our mission is to upgrade your Event, no matter how large or small. For us it's all about the food and enriching your clients' experience. Additionally, we have a...

Brat-Bros Catering Limited

Brat-Bros Catering Limited

4.9 101 reviews

We are modern street food caterer. We cater for all events and offer a 5* service to all our clients making sure they have an unforgettable experience with us. We offer a Authentic German...

The Hungry Plaice

The Hungry Plaice

4.9 91 reviews

Delicious desserts & ice cream served from our vintage ice cream van Bella including Soft Serve Ice Cream, Ice Cream Tacos, Scooped Ice Cream, Crepes, Bubble Waffles, Mini Pancakes, Mini...

Lucky Cow

Lucky Cow

4.9 73 reviews

Lucky Cow is about delicious ice cream made from organic milk using the finest ingredients. A bespoke service for your event or occasion at a great price

For Goodness Shake

For Goodness Shake

4.9 71 reviews

We make chocolate bar ice cream milkshakes aswell as ice cream sodas and different varieties of ice cream . We also do hot waffles with ice cream to go perfectly with a thick shake .YUMMY!


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